Monday, October 29, 2012


Today's awesome. Primary because a source crapped out on me last minute on Friday, so I get to play on Twitter and Facebook until a call at 12:30. After that, it's braving the big bad storm known as Sandy (sarcasm) to go for a run, and then back home to get a jump start on some work tomorrow.

I've been needing today for a while. I'm very much an introvert, and although it's often perceived as being "shy" (a whole different post in and of itself), I don't consider myself a shy person. I do, however, know I need time by myself to think, listen to music, and simply take a break from others.

It's tricky writing about being an introvert. I completely enjoy people and their company, especially those of new friends who have been popping up left and right within the last month. But sometimes, it's those big personalities that really require me to close the door, shut off the phone, and take a break.

It's also those big personalities that often leave me feeling exhausted, drained, and remembering to not take on others' issues as my own -- a key lightbulb moment, if you will, that's happened, is still happening, and is something I'm going to need to remind myself not to do consistently in the future.

 Caring about a person is one thing, but investing too much of your time and care into someone who doesn't -- and won't -- offer that time and consideration back is not a good thing. Simple, but true, and it's been a hard lesson to learn not only relationship-wise (even though that lesson has been firmly learned in that respect), but also when it comes to friendships. As much of a help, a springboard, a source of encouragement I feel I need to be, I have come to realize I can't be someone's God, someone's pure source of comfort, and someone's consistent source of affirmation.

It's exhausting. But thank God, he's taking that burden off of me, and at the same time, I'm learning to let go and build healthy walls as they need to be built.

In the mean time, let's drink some coffee and listen to Mumford.

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