Sunday, August 5, 2012

On Movement

I have a good friend and former coworker who loved to talk about her twenties and how transient that time was during her life. Her and I have a lot in common, and she's become one person I can always go to when life seems like a giant, fast-paced swirl of constant change.

I spoke to her recently and it only seemed fitting that it was due to another impending change in my life -- something career-related that can go two ways. Combine that with the month ahead -- my birthday month that's chock-filled with visits, trips, and concerts -- and life, once again, is seeming all too transient and a tad unsettling.

Yet I looked back on the past few months, and I'm amazed how much has changed and how much I've grown. I guess the issue is, I'm getting mildly tired of change. Sometimes, I wish more than anything life could be settled: a career and job I'm fully content with, a relationship that's solid, and a future that resembles the traditional one of a family, kids, etc.

But, then there's the other side of me that refuses to settle, and I'm seeing more and more how that's impacting this season of constant change in my life. Like I mentioned in past posts, I see myself as an ambitious person -- I want to go places, see things, have a thriving career that one day could lead me to New York. And I know that it's because of this drive, life may very well not be content for a while.

Now, this isn't a bad thing. In fact, as my good friend would say, this is what your twenties is for -- finding out who you are, what you want to do, moving, traveling, and becoming who you ultimately want to be. Even as I write this, I know deep down I'm not ready for such a "settled" life because, essentially, I would be bored to tears.

If there is one constant in life for me, though, it would be all about balance. I see now my relationship ended when it did because life, then, was void of balance. Now, life is an exciting mix of career opportunities, friends, family, and faith. It's more filled with movement and it's requiring me to stretch. I've meet new people, fostered existing relationships, rediscovered my faith, and am looking forward to a relationship in the future that could result in marriage. Writing this, I can't help but feel excited.

And it's because of that, I know I have to become comfortable with change, with movement -- to know things may not be settled for a while, but to step back and see how exciting, thrilling, and even unnerving life is in your early twenties, but to appreciate this time for all it's worth.

The next few weeks will be telling, and it seems extremely fitting I'll be turning 24 before the start of a new season -- literally, and, possibly, figuratively. Only time will tell.

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